Thursday 15 September 2016

My two days in York - Back into the heart of the city; the hop on hop off bus ride - The 6th of September 2016


We stopped at the train station to enquire about trains to Durham, as we had shown some interest in visiting neighbouring cities and between Harrowgate and Durham hap opted for Durham.
Because of wanting to take advantage of the short stay we decided to locate the hop on hop off bus stop, so as to get on one of those buses and further learn about the places we wouldn't be able to thoroughly visit. 
Unfortunately we had to head back all the way to the Minster area again and finally boarded the last hop on hop off bus.

Cholera burial ground where 185 victims of an epidemic in 1832 are interred (right).

York Art Gallery

The bus driver was a York enthusiast and  city lover, therefore intervene several times into the tape being run to let us know about little details we came across on the way, such as the deliberately closed window panels, so as not to pay city tax in regards to the number of windows facing the street.  
We drove by many of the iconic and interesting buildings, such as the 15th century St. Cuthbert's Church. At one point we briefly stopped by the Whip-Ma-Whop-Ma-gate, the longest street name according to many who consider it to be a corruption of "whitnourwhatnourgate" (neither one thing nor the other) or an ironic Viking term for "What a street", though others consider it to have come about because, in later years it was close to the site of the public whipping post.


We decided to hop off at the train station for its proximity to the hotel. Before making our way to it we stopped at a rather posh restaurant by Micklegate Tower and sat quietly having a typical Bristish dinner, whose final part was the best - two very delicious desserts we divided among ourselves.


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