Wednesday 29 July 2015

Modern Art temporary exhibition (cont.) at Museu Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa - The 26th of July 2015


I walked about the gallery exhibiting the paintings of a Portuguese painter I had never heard of - António Charrua (1925-2008),  and despite not being too drawn by geometric compositions I was nevertheless attracted by the colour blending.

Horizontal black X - 1988 oil on canvas (left).  Labyrinth - 1988 oil on canvas (right).

Dilema -1981 oil on canvas (left). Angelus - 1988-89 oil on canvas and object (right).

Hiroshima girl (left and right) - 1994/95 oil on canvas

As I made my way to the Museum gardens I came across an installation which had certainly been placed there recently as it wasn't there last time I had been around. A small text standing close by provided the explanation - it is an archive-type of house, whose walls partly covered by either the Near Future Programme published newspapers or  related to seven years of debates, productions and creations therewith associated in what may be seen as a way of paying one's respect to all of those who colaborated in that programme.

Authors - António Pinto Ribeiro and Jorge Martins Lopes with paintings by Celestino Mondlane and advertisement placards from former temporary exhibitions and published newspapers from the Near Future programe.


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