Monday 13 October 2014

Pray for Portugal ... - Lisbon - The 12th of October 2014

Mia and I decided to walk around Lisbon in search of some graffitis mentioned in a book I had bought her. The "journey" ended up being slightly different from what I had initially expected, because I came across a lot more political oriented graffitis, disclosing the actual situation of Portugal than I had envisaged.

Art as an expression of discontentment touched my senses and though I will not further comment on what has been written, there is much to be pondered on.

To be read in the caption - "Deliver us from all the corrupted pigs who are devastating our country. Amen"

"Welcome to Portugal, greedy oligarchs' haven and honest workers' hell, where taxpayers are beaten down and corrupt pigs are well regarded" - signed by (sickened young man).

"How long will it take till we no longer have to watch this show? "Our" debt keeps on further increasing".

"We are the change" (left); "The strongest man's rule regards no one" (right).

" I would like to be the eyes of those who look at you with insensitiveness." 

As we strolled around some "noble" parts of the city we came across quite a few buildings, either in pre-demolishing state or on sale. I was assailled by a sad feeling, the feeling that very little is done to look after "our" patrimonial assets ... Even tiles, which are said to be what defines us iconically were in a moribund state ...

I looked at a graffiti mural on the Revolution of the carnations ... and wondered !...


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