Monday 14 June 2010

Justina's birthday party ... or the sense of a "mission accomplished" ...

The whole idea behind this "crazy" tiring 4 day trip to Cape Verde was to have a birthday party organized for Justina, who had never known what a birthday party was ...

As I reached Calheta the following day and after having spoken with Sibylle and Benedita, we decided to adapt the party to the local habits by having a "rich" poultry soup and two wheat flour cakes done and decorated.

We also decided to ask the girls to come at 05H00, as most of them had school in the afternoon, although none of them was told anything about the surprise party.

They all showed up at Sillibel's patio and it was not until Justina put on her new dress and sandals that they were finally told what was going to happen.

The photos which follow clearly show how happy they all were, making it very difficult for me to write about that almost instantaneous joy which filled the air. Justina opened her presents. We all sang happy birthday to her as she blew out the candles.

Soon after having eating some slices of cake, they all went into the patio to play with the balloons to almost immediately come back in to dance to the sound of "funana" and "coladeiras.

By the time they went home it was already 08H00 in the evening and tired as they were, had we allowed them , I am somehow sure they would have stayed until dawn.

I have left Calheta with the sense of a "mission"  accomplished ... but above all the reinforced idea that one can effectivelly make these children happy with "very little"...

1 comment:

  1. Por vezes gostava que os meus filhos tivessem a noção exacta do que quer dizer esse teu "very little". Fico muito feliz pela tua missão cumprida. Os sorrisos da Justina são o melhor obrigado que se pode receber.
