Monday 1 July 2013

At the Medieval Fair in Torres Novas (cont.) - The 29th and 30th of June 2013


Carina and Rui decided to get back home because of the extreme heat, whilst Mia, Filipa and I went down town to later get back into the evening programmed historical scenes and other festivity events.

We sat at an open air bar by Almonda river as we drank some home made sangria before we headed back to the Castle in time for the forthcoming historic recreation events.

The Castle premises were overcrowded already though there was still a huge queue of people waiting outside to get tickets. Among the various programmed events several theatrical oriented sketches took place in the main square - "In search of history" - Dom Dinis the farmer king - the governing highlights during his reign; petition to the Queen; within the King's courtyard; bread distribution carried out by the queen and the farewell procession.

Despite the fact that the actors were clearly amateur ... the importance of the whole scene sequencing  had more to do with the historical events than the quality of the performance.

Had the intervening actors been "professional" and I believe there would be a significant difference, in regards to approach but I must confess I was taken by the effort of those participating.

It unexpectedly grew darker and though we might have stayed a little longer the final farewell of the King and his wife to Aragon, so as to resolve a conflict prompted us to do the same and say "farewell" ourselves ...

The following day, Sunday the 30th, Mia and I got on a train to Lisbon Oriente leaving our friends behind and bringing back home a number of very enjoyable moments ...

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