Wednesday 19 December 2012

The Rajasthan circuit - Day 5 - The Jaisalmer Fort- The 19th of November 2012

We left the Brys Fort at sun rise on our way to explore Jaisalmer, built in 1156 by the Maharawal Jaisal. Having been added to by his successors the Jaisalmer citadel stands on the Trikuta Hill rising like a "golden" mirage mainly due to the colour of the stone used for its construction.

The growth of tourism and recent attempts to green the nearby desert, together with the introduction of pipped water have been posing a threat to the fort, whose stone has been crumbling at places.


Just outside the entrance to the Fort a little girl struggled as she walked on a rope stretched a few metres from the ground. She didn't look that enthusiastic under the close surveillance of a stern looking lady (possible her mother) watching out every move she made. The whole scene moved me ...

As we walked into the citadel we were told that housands of people are said to still reside within its walls. Almost immediately we came across a seven storey-high Palace complex, which consists of several interconnected Places built between the 16th and 19th centuries.

(To be continued)

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